Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Friends

These are my friends Angela Zucher, Ginny Drake and Olga from the Doulos. They came to Kuching early Nov to prepare for the arrival of the Doulos in Dec. They came as strangers and we parted as friends..

Angela is from Switzerland and she is the youngest of the three. Ginny is the seasoned sea- faring veteran from Canada who speaks 3 languages.. British English, Canadian Engliah and Malaysian English.. and Olga was the team leader and her homeland is Germany.

I am just amazed at the unexpected ties and friendship God brings our way through unexpected people and events . Olga told us a story of how when she was in Africa she was destined for toilet duty. In one port of call , people would board the ship and wash themsleves in the toilet and use the sink as a place to dump.. day after day she had to clean this and get it ready for the next lot of visitors.

Ginny , has a vision to own an orphanage in Africa.. it's been her God given dream to do so since.. a long time. It's amazing the things these girls want to do for God. It's not in what they say or in how they share the bible.. it's in the way they live and in the way they treat others. Living on a ship with 300 other people.. to me that's a testimony of love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, endurance, determination , long suffering and self control . Gal 5:22-25.

I was really blessed by their visit and their friendship... a rare thing since I am a very private person.. I guess God was teaching me to never underestimate the potential of one encounter.. you never know when He is going to give you a gift of a life time!

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