Sunday, December 7, 2008

Feelings and emotional tatoos..

So I broke the rules of blogging and disappeared for a while.. I have been up to my eyeballs in rehearsals and practises and whatnot for a church thing at a Mall for Christmas. And before I know it.. it's 44 days and counting down!

I read a friend's blog the other day where she talked about different people, their attitudes and stuff.. I've had a very intense two weeks of doing just that.. We have this Christmas outreach at Spring. Different kids are in charge of different things and it's been an interesting week to watch how young people manage their own.

I've had two young people tell me vague stories about how they 'feel' they cant contribute, lot's of pressured arguments and a strange uneasiness that comes when everyone feels they should be getting along but are not. It's interesting this thing called "feelings" .. it seems to be the foundation which every youth live by.. unfortunately feelings change everyday. What happens today can affect your behavior unfortunately feelings of anger, dislike, frustration dont always last forever. So when you react to those feelings based solely on emotions and not thought, you have an emotional tattoo... it's printed and done and even if you try to erase it .. it's nearly impossible to get rid perhaps we should think more, say less.. react later.

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