Sunday, November 23, 2008

58 days and counting...

We went to KL for a few days of r and s... relax and shopping with my kids. The first time Jeff and I brought them down over the Christmas season my kids were fasinated with the lights, glitter . As the years went by.. the lights were still there but they became more absorbed with the shopping than with the lights outside !

Then this Christmas.. a shift..hardly noticeable and yet a hallmark of time. I was crossing the street and I felt a tiny hand reach out to me..and another at my elbow guiding me across the road. I let myself be guided by these young hands..hands which I have held all these years to cross numerous streets and led to safety in different occassions. I did'nt ask. It just happened. When did she know to do this? When did the roles shift?.. 58 days more mum.. she's yelping...bouncing on the sofa and asking " Will you miss me mum? It's just 58 days now."

This Christmas will be my last with my little girl.. in 58 days I will let her hand go ....

1 comment:

Dee said...

Aawww...precious moments....