Saturday, January 10, 2009

The power of Thank you

There is great power in showing appreciation and gratitude. A simple gesture of thanksgiving goes a long way. It validates the event and giver making what he / she has done for you no matter how simple , feel treasured and appreciated.

" Thank You " My mum was big on thank yous. She made me thank every one from my teachers right down to the garbage collectors and the lady who swept the streets.. in Singapore in the early 70's they had Indian lady road sweepers before the big trucks were brought in which made their jobs redundant.

Come Chinese New Year mum would always have some cookies or some nice old clothes all packed and ready for the garbage men to show how much she appreciated them for the year. For our gardener there was a red packet of ang pow for his services. And for Achee the road sweeper there was always a red packet, a bunch of bananas and clothes for her kids. My house always had the cleanest street and our garbage miraculously never spilled outside our gate!

I learnt this from my mum.. the art of thanking people for everything. I thank the laksa lady when she brings me my laksa.. and I always get more than the rest. One day she had finished the laksa but asked her daughter to bring me a bowl from across the town! I thought she was cooking for others but the daughter arrived with just enough laksa just for me ! I thank the chicken seller Ah Lai when she sells me chicken.. sometimes I bring her some cake for breakfast and I always find an extra wing or two in my plastic bag..a chicken with four wings .. just imagine!

Thank you.. two simple words that show you notice and appreciate what another has done for you.. in these two tiny words lies the power to motivate and validate others. It is a phrase that will help you find favor with even the most hard core of pmsed women ! Bring a look of shock and shame to a rude waitor. Thank you.. a good habit to cultivate.

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